Medical Advances and Case Report

Abscission of laparoscopic of the simple horn of a unicornuate uterus analyzed by three dimensional registered tomography


J.S Park

A 16-year-old woman was admitted to the emergency room due to severe lower abdominal pain. She had no surgical or obstetric history. Menarche had occurred 2 years ago. She suffered from dysmenorrhea and pelvic cyclic pain during menstruation. The three-dimensional computed tomography combined with ultrasonography revealed a rudimentary horn of unicornuate uterus. We performed a laparoscopic removal of this uterine anomaly without any complication in the postoperative period. Laparoscopy resulted in anatomical and reproductive outcome equivalent to those offered by a laparotomic approach, and minimally invasive surgery had additional advantages such as, better cosmetic results and postoperative period, which are important for very young patients.


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