Medical Advances and Case Report

Corporeal undertakings in patients with psychological disorders


Mouzas D. Odysseas and Constantinos Tsipras

Alterations in human life pattern in contemporary societies together with reduction of physical activities as well as increase in psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety endanger health of human beings. Regarding the positive effects physical activities on prevention, management and cure of psychological disorders, this study was conducted to investigate the status of sport and daily life as well as job-related physical activities in patients who referred to psychiatric centers. This study was a part of interdisciplinary research programme .The total population was 1500, the psychological part administered on 500 patients. The necessary data on physical activities of the patients were collected by means of a reliable and valid questionnaire and they were analyzed by statistical methods. The results showed that among different groups who referred to psychiatric centers, women, illiterate, low income groups and middle aged referred more than others. 97% of the patients did not exercise at all and 92% of them spent their leisure time in lying and sitting position or just sleeping. The results suggest that an active pattern of life be improved in the society to diminish the cases of psychologic al disorders.


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