Advances in Agronomy, Plant Breeding and Horticulture

Planning polymorphic ISSR preliminaries so as to examine x and y types glutenin subunits in 1D locus controlling ideal preparing nature of bread wheat


M.A. Dar and Tahir Soomro

Baking quality is one of most important traits in qualitative improvement of bread wheat. Gluten prolamins determine wheat flour quality for different technological processes such as bread making. Among the gluten proteins, High Molecular Glutenin (HMW) group and specially, x- type and y-type subunits of d allele in 1D locus are very valuable in baking quality. In this study, amino acid sequences of x-type subunits [2.1, 2.2, 2.2*, 5] and y-type subunits [10, 12] related to 1D locus were searched and compared together using Genedoc software. After alignment of amino acid sequences of y-type subunits and x-type subunits, it was characterized that deletion, insertion (duplication) and point mutations in these subunits are involved in biological function of proteins. Finally, polymorph ISSR primers in repetitive domains were designed on similarities and differences in x and y types subunits. After performing PCR and DPAGE, it was found that these primers show good banding polymorphisms in elite mutant lines, standard commercial cultivars and F2 populations from crosses and are ideal for DNA polymorphisms detection in glutenin subunits of 1D locus.


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