Commentary - (2021) Volume 9, Issue 3
An image of trends and projections of food consumption for 2050, both overall and for different parts of the world. All over the world, great changes in power models occur, even in the consumption of basic clamps for more diverse regimes. Following these variations in global and regional food consumption were considerable health consequences. The populations of these countries subjected to the rapid transition experiencing nutritional transition.
The diversified nature of this transition can be the result of differences in socio-demographic factors and other characteristics of the consumer. Other factors, including the urbanization and marketing of the food industry, trade liberalization policies over the last two decades have health consequences due to a factor to facilitate "Nutritional transition” associated with rising obesity rates and chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Future food policies should review the agriculture and health sectors, thus developing coherent and sustainable policies that eventually benefit agriculture, human health and the environment.
Changes in agricultural practice over the last 50 years have increased the world's ability to provide food to their peoples through productivity increases, greater diversity of food and less seasonal dependence. Food availability has also increased as a result of an increase in income levels and the decline in food prices. This has resulted in a considerable change in food consumption over the last 50 years. In collaboration with exploring trends and projections of food consumption for 2050, in the world as for different parts of the world.
Several data sources can be used when reviewing both supply and food consumption standards to make global comparisons or review international trends over time. These data can be derived from food balances (FBBS), national budget surveys or individual dietary investigations (IDSS). Each of these methods has its own merits, depending on the desired specific result. Food production data can be useful when reviewing specific food crop trends in different regions around the world. Production numbers are available from FAO to all countries around the world for each culture. However, for the purpose of examining the differences in food consumption patterns, the resulting data of FBSS are not as accurate.
Aging, globalization and urbanization represent new challenges for achieving a good state of nutrition. Changes observed in food standards developed as a result of the rate and levels of urbanization have significant effects on the provision of global food, market and trade. This is particularly important in terms of increased over nutrition (diet-related chronic disease) in many developing countries.
It is important when considering future food policy that a sustainable pattern of food consumption be considered, ensuring a sufficient supply of staples and of micronutrient-rich foods without encouraging excessive consumption of energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods. Food systems that diversify beyond subsistence agriculture and include fruits, vegetables, legumes and animal products result in improved nutritional status. Healthy agriculture should be the goal in which nutrition considerations become part of the formulation of multinational agricultural policies and, at the same time, agricultural considerations should be integrated into the improvement of nutrition and health.
While Feenstra has erased, we need to strive to "make collaborative efforts to strengthen more selffood economies, in which sustainable production, processing, distribution and food consumption are integrated to increase economic health, health and social ". For example, food policies will only be effective if they are developed with the contribution of the agriculture and health sectors, thus developing consistent policies that will eventually be beneficial for agriculture, human health and the environment.