Advances in Fishery, Aquaculture and Hydrobiology

Editorial - (2021) Volume 9, Issue 1

Fish farm: Business and management
Rezin Belton*
Department of Fisheries, Institute of Aquaculture, East Lansing, MI, USA
*Correspondence: Rezin Belton, Department of Fisheries, Institute of Aquaculture, East Lansing, MI, USA,


The objective of this study is to seem at the impact of assorted factors of fish production. This study relies on primary data. Primary data is collected through the structured questionnaire. The descriptive analysis shows that an outsized proportion of fish farmers had formal education and finances their fish production through personal saving. The method result shows that fish output is ready by the value of labor, feeds, fertilizer and pond size. The coefficient of determination R2 is 0.473 which indicates that 47.3% of the variation within the worth of fish output was explained by pond size, cost of lab our, cost of fertilizer, cost of feeds .Lack of capital, volatile value are some major problems of fish production in Bangladesh. Government should take essential measures to unravel these problems.

The objective of this study is to seem at the impact of assorted factors of fish production. This study relies on primary data. Primary data is collected through the structured questionnaire. The descriptive analysis shows that an outsized proportion of fish farmers had formal education and finances their fish production through personal saving. The method result shows that fish output is ready by the value of labor, feeds, fertilizer and pond size. The coefficient of determination R2 is 0.473 which indicates that 47.3% of the variation within the worth of fish output was explained by pond size, cost of lab our, cost of fertilizer, cost of feeds. Lack of capital, volatile value is some major problems of fish production in Bangladesh. Government should take essential measures to unravel this problem.

The results show that although the two groups were very similar in terms of general farm characteristics, BMP farms were more likely to practice tilapia-mullet polyculture than monoculture of tilapia. one in every of the most effective problems confronting several people in developing countries in Africa today is lack of adequate protein intake both in quality to feed the nations ever-growing population. This inadequacy lands up in problem of malnutrition. The resultant effect of great deficiency within the amount of protein intake is that people’s health is adversely affected; particularly the mental capability, working productivity and eventually, the national process (Okoruwa and Olakanmi).

Fish farming is that the growing of fish in ponds, allows feeding, breeding, growing, and harvesting the fish in cultured environment it is also been observed that one altogether the foremost serious constraints of agriculture growth in Kenya is that they’re efficiency of productive resources which considerable growth are visiting be achieved by simply improving the extent of efficiency in resource use and policy issues. Therefore, fish being one altogether the water resources is being targeted as how of improving the protein intake of the African populace further as improving the economic base of the country.

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